Lincoln Lawyer Books

I just finished book four. I originally started the series because I thought the new series on Netflix was going to go in the order of the books. I was wrong. The Lincoln Lawyer movie stays with the book fairly well. The Netflix show takes a lot of liberties, many of which I am not…

Off with her head!

Another delightful book by one of my favorite authors, Eleanor Herman. I’m not finished with this book yet, but so far I would describe it as a history of how women are demonized for behaving in the same manner as men in the same position or with the same ambition. As always, I appreciate Herman’s…

Visiting Three Pines

If you’re a fan, then you noticed I just finished Book 8 in Louise Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache series. I was first introduced to this hidden world in Quebec via the Three Pines series starring Alfred Molina as the indomitable Gamache. Molina really captures the methodical Gamache in both temperament and physical size. When I…

Furiously Happy!

A few years ago, a friend introduced me to Jenny Lawson via her blog. Then I found her book, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. and I’ve never looked back. I love her raw approach to seeing the darkness of the world with tongue-in-cheek. I’m not quite half way done with Furiously Happy, but I tell you what,…

Drinking While Reading

Agatha Christie is one of my favorite authors and lately I’ve been trying out different collections of short stories. The Harlequin Tea Set is not one of my favorites, but two of the stories stand out: “The Mystery of the Spanish Chest” and “The Harlequin Tea Set.”  More about those two later! Hot cider is…

The Monsters and the Critics

There are four things you need to know about this picture. I have been looking for this book for AGES! Finally it was at Half Price Books!! My friend is absolutely wonderful for getting me this right in front of me without me noticing. If J.R.R. were alive and in front of me, I would totally…

Sarah Recommends

A friend of mine is stuck between two epically long books and wants to be able to make progress on her reading goal for the year (this really is about a friend, I’m not trying to disguise my woes!). I told her I’d make a list of books, she said to categorize them however I…

What I am reading…

I’m about half way through with Gillian Flynn’s Dark Places. This amaze-balls book takes place partly in my home state (Kansas) and partly where my heart lives (Kansas City, Missouri). Libby Day was just seven years old when her older brother massacred her family […]. Her evidence helped put him away. Ever since then she has…

What I am reading…

Instead of The Secret Garden as promised, I opted to travel back to Westeros with A Storm of Swords. By happy accident, my choice coincided with my marathon re-watching of the series (I just started season 3!). As usual, I’m enjoying comparing/contrasting the book with the adaptation; so far, I have no criticisms only keen enjoyment……