What I’m Reading…

I couldn’t renew Meditations anymore (Geez, Sarah, you’ve had it since June, what did you expect?!), so I talked with my school’s librarian about audiobooks. She has a small collection that I can download on my phone, which is perfect for me as I have been wanting to be able to read more while working…

What I am reading…

New quarter, new unit, new reading material! I found a facsimile of The Strand version and am loving every minute of it! The Hound of the Baskervilles has always been my favorite Sherlock Holmes mystery–I’ve seen so many versions of it! But I had no idea I’d never read the entire story. Remedying that now as we…

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was a quick read for me, comparatively. It only took me twelve days to complete–a minor miracle when you consider that as much as I love to read, I only have time right before I fall asleep. This is less a review and more a rave about the novel,…

Criminal Justice

I don’t want to make a habit of reviewing television series, especially those not based on books, but Holy Toledo Batman, “Criminal Justice” is phenomenally intense! Season 1 follows a young man who borrows his dad’s cab and spends the night with a beautiful stranger, to wake up apparently having committed a horrendous crime he…