“A Game of Thrones” Update


  1. Excited to read!
  2. Sad when beloved characters die.
  3. Grim pleasure when hated characters get their just desserts.
  4. Determination to find out what happens as soon as possible!!

I’m two-thirds through the novel and the anticipation is killing me. I already know what is going to happen (thank you HBO), but the thrill of getting there is not diminished at all. I’m loving all the details left out of the show. I enjoy pretending to be a literary detective — trying to discover clues to the overarching mysteries (you know what I’m talking about!)!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. libbycole007 says:

    It’s a series that really takes you on a rollercoaster ride, doesn’t it!



    1. Call me Cordelia says:

      Most certainly!

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